
Konrad Koselleck Bigband & Peter Kuipers Munneke with special guest Cor Bakker.

For ages, the weather has inspired music. And now it is a source of inspiration for a big band featuring weatherman Peter Kuipers Munneke as a storyteller and special guest Cor Bakker.

Climate development is one of the major concerns of our time. What will Amsterdam’s climate look like in 25 years? Will the city be flooded and will the BIMHUIS be safe? What are the connections between the climate, the weather, jazz and improvisation? The Konrad Koselleck Big Band will look for answers together with a bona fide weatherman.

Meteorologist, glaciologist and jazz fan Peter Kuipers Munneke will present his scenarios for Amsterdam together with personal stories about his travels to the arctic. Video images and new music will blend together. Konrad Koselleck composed the soundtrack and music for the band as a reply to Munneke’s stories. He also arranged well-known weather-themed songs.

Munneke and Koselleck: ‘Climate and weather have clear parallels with jazz music. The climate is linear and has resemblances with the way jazz musicians perform a composition. The theme is always clear, for example Summertime. But the interpretation, the improvisation, differs from day to day and from concert to concert. Then there’s the weather, which is non-linear: a rain cloud can move over either Amsterdam or Leiden. Compare this to classical music, where every note has a clearly defined place in time.’

Special guest will be pianist Cor Bakker, who also happens to be a big fan of meteorology.

Werner Janssen, Marike van Dijk, Joao Driessen, Kees van Lier, Kees van Dooremalen saxophone, Oscar Cordero, Kurt Weiss, Florian Sperzel, Gerard Kleijn trumpet, Bastiaan Woltjer, Matthias Konrad, Vincent Veneman, Ben Schultz trombone, Jens Larsen guitar, Charly Zastrau piano, Cor Bakker piano, Reyer Zwart bass, Haye Jellema drums, Konrad Koselleck compositions/arrangements/conductor