
JazzFest MiniFest: Flatland Prayer | Harmen Fraanje solo | Gumbo

Three-part mini festival, featuring well-known players as well as enticing new talents.

Jazzfest Amsterdam, ‘undoubtedly the best jazz festival in Amsterdam’ (het Parool) is known for its remarkable new combinations of young talents and established names from various directions in music. Looking ahead to a new fully-fledged edition of JazzFest on 16 March 2024, we present an exciting mini-version with three performances on one evening: Flatland Prayer, Harmen Fraanje, and Gumbo Night Band.

Flatland Prayer

At its core, Flatland Prayer is an improvisatory chamber ensemble. Within those confines, however, the trio pulls from a wide variety of influences, combining elements of American folk, avant-jazz and contemporary classical. Vocalist Liva Dumpe and trumpeter Antonio Moreno skilfully interpret River Adomeit’s songwriting, working in tandem to divulge a sometimes elusive, but ever-present narrative. To watch the trio together is like looking in through their murky living room window, aware that you are witnessing an intimate exchange without quite understanding what it is.

River Adomeit double bass, Liva Dumpe vocals, Antonio Moreno trumpet

Harmen Fraanje (solo)

A celebrated improviser on piano, Harmen Fraanje gained international claim through his collaboration with Ernst Reijseger and Mola Sylla on the soundtracks of director Werner Herzog. He previously performed here in various formations, for example in Michael Moore Fragile Quartet, and as a duo with trumpeter Arve Henriksen. Now he will play solo.

Harmen Fraanje piano

Gumbo Night Band: Celebrating the Music of New Orleans

This band is linked to the infamous Gumbo Night at the Amsterdam club De Nieuwe Anita. Originally intended as a tribute to New Orleans, the birthplace of jazz, rhythm & blues and funk, many illustrious names from Dutch music have performed here. Surround yourself with the sound, the atmosphere and, yes indeed, the taste of New Orleans!

Kris Berry vocals, Coos Zwagerman trumpet/vocals, Sam Ghezzi tenor sax/vocals, Daniel von Piekartz piano/vocals, Paul Willemsen guitar, Thomas Pol bass, Toon Oomen drums