
BIMHUIS 50 Impro Focus

Berlinde Deman | Elias Stemeseder & Christian Lillinger

Solo concert by enchanting serpent player followed by impro star duo on piano, drums and electronics.

Electro-acoustic duo STEMESEDER – LILLINGER explore the boundaries of contemporary music with their new album ANTUMBRA. Using plucked, percussive and electronic instruments, and influences from sample culture and folk music, they create a rich sound world. ANTUMBRA builds on previous works such as PENUMBRA and UMBRA, integrating historic acoustic instruments into electronic constructions. This post-genre work explores meta-beats, multidimensional structures and collage techniques, depicting both utopia and dystopia. Recorded in various locations including New York and Athens, the album offers a reflection on the present and projections of possible futures.

Berlinde Deman is the regular tuba player of Flat Earth Society Orchestra and has worked with various bands and projects from the jazz, theatre and classical worlds, including Dave Douglas, Ab Baars Trio and Jef Neve. She did residencies in Sweden, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium. Fascinated by the tuba’s precursor, the serpent, she explores the boundaries of peace and tranquillity in her solo programme with this rare 16th-century instrument and loops/electronics. Her melancholic and unique sound brought her together with artists such as Graindelavoix and Hans Beckers, and in her solo work she creates a world far away from the hustle and bustle of the everyday.

Berlinde Deman serpent

Elias Stemeseder piano/keyboards/electronics, Christian Lillinger drums/electronics


Would you also like to have dinner? Our restaurant is open on concert nights, usually from 6:30 PM onwards. Reservations recommended.

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Thu 10 October 2024
Berlinde Deman | Elias Stemeseder & Christian Lillinger