

New group evolved from the duo of pianist Wolfert Brederode and drummer Joost Lijbaart. Improvisations by four renowned musicians, who together accentuate the group sound. Presentation CD Headland.

The new collective Batik has evolved from the duo which Joost Lijbaart and Wolfert Brederode have formed since 2005. Merging into one great instrument is the ultimate goal for the group, which consists of renowned musicians from the Dutch jazz and improvised music world. New sounds originate and traditional forms fade away with their unique style of improvising.

For the cover of Batik’s debut album Headland, Joost Lijbaart contacted visual artist Claudy Jongstra. ‘The way in which she uses wool and plants, her experiments, her labour-intensive process, the felting of the materials into a whole, using only her hands as tools, the colours and all the meticulous steps which lead to one big artwork full of life: all these aspects perfectly symbolize what Batik is about’, according to the drummer.

Batik consists of pianist Wolfert Brederode (ECM Records), guitarist Ed Verhoeff (Nueva Manteca), bassist Mark Haanstra (currently Barnicle Bill ft. John Engels) and drummer Joost Lijbaart (Yuri Honing).

The Bimhuis restaurant is open prior to the concert from 6.00 til 8.30PM (reservations via 020-7882158). After the concert, the Bimhuis Café is open (free entrance).

Presentation CD: HEADLAND
Afterwards at the cafe: DJ Alviz
Wolfert Brederode piano, Ed Verhoeff gitaar, Mark Haanstra basgitaar, Joost Lijbaart drums